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Tax h(e)avens


What exactly do you want?


Up up and away?

Before you bother yourself, read our research results of recent years (and decades):

Not supernatural, but at least "transoceanic":


Doing banking, invisible to (foreign) authorities and information services. Billing your business where it will not (once again) be charged. If you are credible enough not to be suspected of being a drug trafficker, money launderer or terrorist financier, you will spend less formalities than you think to become a respected and accepted partner of a bank and your clients outside your home country.



In principle, no company is too small not to run a branch in a country that does not cause you excessive (tax) pain on the passive side. To find out how best to remain a foreign company from your home states by placing yourself under the protection of your new host country, read our special reports here


Residency / Citizenship

Even if the thought of it is difficult, perhaps even unbearable for you: The only sure way to escape all hardships is: Leave completely, with your person and with your money the sphere of influence of domestic laws. At least as far as you are at home as an income and tax-exempt. They are completely and for all time "off the hook". A second pass works wonders here. To become such a "world citizen" of the special kind, however, needs time but money. This is where the national pride of your new benefactors comes to the fore. How to prove to you that you want to belong to you, we show you in our report "Relocation", which you can request at the bottom of this page.


Atlantic area


Cayman Islands


Cayman Flag

Tax exemption especially for investment companies. From the capital Georgetown operate numerous financial investors and hedge funds. In competition with other tax havens, the government of Prime Minister Kurt Tibbetts wants to further relax the rules for such investors. For smaller fortunes, however, the state provides less and less protection under pressure from Britain and the US. The events of recent years speak for themselves.

Therefore our summary: Out. At least until the islands are safer again.



Bahamas Flag

Somehow better. "You get what you pay for". And that costs. That's the motto in the Bahamas:

"If you don' t have money, don't come!"

And at least they are honest enough to admit what they are interested in first and foremost. However, they are then ready to give you all the benefits you are looking for. If it does not cost them anything. And if you are ready to pay for it.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham recently assured that there will be "no new taxes". In the face of high budget deficits speculation had become loud, also in the Bahamas there would be an income tax in the future. However, existing taxes such as the land transfer tax will in future be driven more decisively and "loopholes closed".

"Bahamas citizens", according to Zhivargo (Bahamian economic consultant), "know too little about their tax obligations". Whatever that means. Nothing new for German ears.

Consequently, here too in the future: "Fox, watch out!"





Netherlands Antilles (Aruba, Curacao, Bonaire)

Aruba Flag Curacao Bonaire

Anyone who is at least 50 years old, buys a property for $ 230,000 or more and employs a domestic worker for 30 hours a week, instead of paying a progressive income tax rate of currently 39 percent, only has to pay a flat rate of 10 percent to the Treasury.

In addition, Dutch law applies. Who does not shy away from being close to the local tax authorities: politically stable, socially secure. Otherwise only partially recommended. Freedom has its price, safety too.




Anguilla flag

The island to the east of Puerto Rico charges neither income tax nor corporation tax.

Anguilla is particularly attractive for entrepreneurs who can start a business there quickly, easily and inexpensively. Then: nothing like gone. Longer stays lead to boredom. God save the Queen!


Antigua and Barbuda


Antiguaa flag

Here, foreign entrepreneurs can negotiate exemption from tax for up to 15 years ("tax holiday"). There is no personal income tax, but foreigners have to pay $ 20,000 a year to live.

For average income too expensive.


British Virgin Islands


British virgin islands flag

The British overseas territory had to resemble Cayman's massive international pressure bow down and abolish previous benefits for offshore companies - but has since 2004 progressively cut income and corporate tax for all.


St. Kitts and Nevis


St.Kitts and Nevis flag

The corporation tax on the volcanic island is considerable at 35 percent, but offshore companies are usually tax-exempt.

There is no income tax, but earners pay social security contributions of up to ten percent.


St. Vincent and the Grenadines


St.Vincent and the Grenadines flag

Tax exemptions of up to 25 years for foreign companies have attracted a number of entrepreneurs.

Private individuals pay tax rates of 10 to 40 percent. The top rate should, however, gradually drop to 30 percent.


Turks- und Caicos-Isles


Turks and Caicos flag

The British territory, which includes 30 islands, enjoys a high degree of autonomy. There is no income tax or corporation tax, however, with interest income from savers from EU countries, the EU interest tax of 15 percent is due.

If you want to move to the islands, you have to invest at least $ 125,000 there.


US virgin islands


US virgin islands flag

The US-owned archipelago, two-thirds of which is inhabited by Americans, has some privileges for offshore companies.

Otherwise, however, US tax rules apply. The mother country is wary of the tax benefits not getting out of hand.


Dominican Republic


Paraguay Flag

Last but not least a recommendation for all tax-tired 'self-preservatives' and 'self-retainers':

Even before Paraguay and Uruguay one of our current priorities. No other country in the Caribbean offers you such advantages as this one. Especially in the near future attractive special regulations apply (like 10 years tax exemption for new branches). New, highly attractive new laws and regulations that made it worthwhile to create your own documentation. We will send them to you gladly on request.


Stay at home?

Germany Flag Spain flag Swiss Flag Austria Flag


really can not be serious.

At a minimum, you should show everyone who decides whereto hold and what to do with your money, giving it at least a second home, far from the pursuits of local collectors. (Should you prefer  for yourself, to stay at home).

Let it work, "remote controlled", in paradise (You can visit it from time to time.)


Strategic Relocation


This word is so new in Europe for many that it has not been translated yet. However, experts and the so-called "preprovers" have long since become the often scary term.
We do not want to go into these discussions at this point, but point out that, despite everything:

"It never gets as well as you hoped,
but never as bad as you think!"


In any case, you should first find out about the legal alternatives that are available nowadays.

More detailed information about the countries mentioned, we will gladly send you on request: Relocation


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