

Basics ahead:


grundsätzlich Like most holding companies, we offer advisory services and research (research) on a variety of financial products. However, in contrast to "full service" to "discount" we offer a really all-encompassing service that, to put it mildly, is second to none.

Not only do we offer a wide range of products and services like other companies, including wealth management, tax advice and financial advice, but we also offer research into economic conditions and market analysis that goes far beyond that.

Highly qualified, licensed and professional (financial) advisors are available to advise you on all money matters.

We provide you with a wrap fee model * where all services including stock trading are covered by one all inclusive annual fee.

This means that on the one hand you are sure that you will not be overreached with "churning" ** , on the other hand we are constantly motivated to bring about an optimal result for you, for example in day trading.

Please note our schedule of fees (→ Account types), which is based on the amount of assets under management (AUM) ***

We are looking for wealthy clients (not only) and do not impose minimum account balances required to use our services.

In the following, we will explain to you in excerpts our intentions in terms of managing your assets and, above all, ensuring that the profit we generate for you is treated cleanly, legally and securely.

We see e.g. B. does not explain why you should resubmit your invested, already taxed income to the local tax office; according to the motto: "Give me the rest..." - or: In the case of an inheritance, why should you burden your surviving dependents again with a tax that is not only completely unnecessary and unjustified, but also seriously in extreme cases Difficulties could bring up to financial hardship, and, and, and ...

We could continue this list endlessly. But we would like to point out that we are at your side even in the most delicate cases, especially when it comes to legally difficult constructions; for example, no tax consultant (despite his name "consultant") can and must not give you information on how to protect your "dearest one" from unauthorized access. - He may not - like we do - point out that it is e.g. B. There are countries where you are safe from most of the usual taxes in this country. (→ Tax h(e)avens)

 So get yourself and / or at least your money to safety in good time. It doesn't necessarily have to be New Zealand or a banana republic at the end of the world. Keyword: Strategic Relocation. We have prepared plenty of brochure material for you.


  *   "Wrap-Gebührenmodell" ist ein Pauschalgebührenmodell, bei dem der Kunde eine jährliche Gebühr zahlt, die alle Kosten für die Verwaltung seines Portfolios abdeckt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Gebührenmodellen, bei denen der Kunde für jede Transaktion eine separate Gebühr zahlen muss, sind bei einem Wrap-Gebührenmodell alle Kosten in der jährlichen Gebühr enthalten.


 **  AUM stands for “Assets under Management” and refers to the market value of investments managed by a person or company on behalf of a client. (AUM is used in conjunction with management performance and experience to value a company. For example, if you invest $50,000 in a mutual fund, those funds are part of the fund's total AUM.) A fund's management costs and expenses, e.g. B. are often calculated as a percentage of AUM.


*** "churning" is a financial term that refers to the practice of making unnecessary transactions in order to generate commissions. (Which, by the way, is illegal and punishable in most countries.)






Bankwesen Let's start with the worst part of money: you're broke. Have debt you want to get out of; be it to dare a fresh start, at least to get rid of your debtors, or simply not to let everyone know when, how much and what you spend money on: An offshore account is worthwhile here. Or at least a foreign one. It doesn't even have to be anonymous, just unassailable by your home authorities or any inquisitive mind that annoys you.

It is also extremely helpful if your profits, which we generate for you, are not even transferred to a domestic account in your country of origin. Then you save yourself all the hassle that comes your way if you leave the money in the country (in our case the USA) where it was earned. You have the right to do so under the double tax treaty that most countries have with the United States. And with a foreign IC card, you can spend money in local currency at any store in almost any country in the world, as if you were a local there. Or are you just a tourist shopping...

Here are ways we can get all of this done without you having to go a step outside of your home. Wherever you are in the world. - Is it an offer? - Just let us know and we will do all the necessary steps for you. With all the usual discretion.

We take your privacy very seriously. More serious than the (former) Swiss banking law, which is now full of holes. After all, the origin of the money is 100% "non-criminal origins". As required by Western countries' money laundering laws.




company formation


Firmengründung There is no reason in the world that could (and should) prevent you from opening a branch of your business in any low to zero tax country in the world. What for? - Globalization makes it possible for you - regardless of whether you call a craft business your own or head a large corporation like Apple or Google. All of these companies have only one advantage: they are international from the start. Think the same way. Even if you only have a small book mail order business: Nothing can prevent you from founding one in either New York or Santo Domingo, Paraguay or Belize. Depending on the nature of your business. intend to operate, you are exempt from such taxes as trade, corporation or sales tax for at least 10 years.

Here, too, our specialists are available to you at all times for all legal and tax issues. With advice and action. After all, we want your capital to stay with you. At least until you decide for yourself who you give how much of it to. A matter of course that we would be happy to talk to you about.





FirmengründungThere is no reason why they should have the same residence as your money.

Residence in other EU countries EU citizens can freely choose where they want to live and work within Europe. If you live in different countries, you have to follow a few rules regarding your main residence. Anyone who is away from their home country for more than three months must report or register in the new country. Otherwise he risks a fine. If you want to be on the safe side, you can find a country overview with the deadlines on the Internet. In principle, your main residence must be registered where your center of life is. Important to know: In Germany, the first registered place of residence is always the main residence. So you cannot register with a second home if you do not yet have a main residence in Germany. Anyone who gives up their apartment in Germany without moving into a new one must deregister within two weeks (Section 17 Paragraph 2 Sentence 1 BMG). The other way around also applies: Anyone who rents an apartment in Germany but does not move into it is also committing an administrative offense. No matter where you own your property, you should think about appropriate household contents and building insurance. We recommend particularly good and affordable real estate insurance for your holiday home or home abroad. Residence one or two? Main residence or second home? What reasons speak for a main residence abroad and what reasons for a second home? Or do you even have the opportunity to choose?

In most cases this depends on your personal situation. A few examples might make it clearer: Let's say you work abroad. You are there five days a week. But on the weekend you come home to friends and family. Then your center of life and therefore your main residence is still in Germany and you do not have to deregister here. The basic rule is: Anyone who moves away from Germany long-term or permanently without a new address in the country must deregister completely. Otherwise, in the theoretical case, there is even a risk of being forced to deregister. Would you like to continue to benefit fully from German health insurance? If you live in another EU country and are registered there, you will continue to have German health insurance. However, you will only receive benefits at the level of your new country of residence. If you want the same standard as in Germany, your only option is to take out private international health insurance. The situation is similar with nursing care insurance. Anyone who lives permanently in another EU country receives benefits in kind in the event of care, as is usual in the country of residence. Depending on the country, you will have to cover a large part of the costs yourself, such as accommodation in a nursing home. The care allowance, however, continues to be paid by the German care fund. You can make voluntary contributions to pension insurance so that there are no gaps in your pension. Here you should seek advice from your pension insurance provider. Or you can opt for private provision. The state-funded Riester pension is also paid in full in other EU countries. There are also small things to consider: If you are no longer registered in Germany, you have to re-register your car. You are not allowed to take part in state and local elections in Germany or run a business in Germany. However, deregistration also has positive sides: there is no obligation to pay church tax and Germans can use their deregistration certificate to apply for or have their (travel) passport extended directly at the German consulate or embassy abroad. In these cases, there is no need for annoying trips back to Germany. What difficulties can arise? If there are two places of residence, letters from courts and administrations are always sent to the main place of residence. The mail there must be checked regularly. Even if you often live in your second home. If you lose your identification documents, you will have greater problems when staying in the country of your second residence. The documents are only issued by the authority at the main residence.

Firmengründung There is no reason why they should have the same residence as your money.

If the main residence is still in Germany, the German tax liability remains. In this case, the income earned worldwide is taxable in Germany. Otherwise, it is recommended to check existing double taxation agreements. For example, income taxed in Spain does not have to be additionally taxed in Germany due to the double taxation agreement. Speaking of finances: you can have bank accounts in both countries. Only those who want to open a German account with their main residence abroad could face problems.

If your main residence remains in Germany and you often stay abroad, the city administration abroad may check where your actual center of life is for tax reasons. If you are faced with a situation like this and don't know whether you acted legally correctly, contact a lawyer. In terms of registration law, you can often register your main residence abroad, even if you are still registered in Germany. The authorities usually do not communicate with each other across countries. Taxes and insurance will continue to be paid in Germany if the income is generated here. But if you report two main residences, for example in France and Germany, problems can arise. If the apartment is essentially a holiday home for which duties and taxes have to be paid to the municipality, the main residence can be compulsorily deregistered if there is a compulsory registration. A dual residence both in Germany and abroad is generally possible, but there are a few hurdles associated with it. It must be clearly defined which state is responsible, as, as mentioned, it has tax and social implications. In order to avoid negative consequences, we recommend detailed advice here.

How do I log on? If you move your main residence abroad, you must deregister in Germany. To register in another EU country, you need a valid identification document and proof of your professional activity. If you do not work, you can provide confirmation of health insurance. This proves that you can support yourself without government support. If you have deregistered your main residence in Germany, you will receive a deregistration certificate. You must present this when registering or you will need it to apply for identification documents abroad. After registering abroad, you will receive a registration certificate. This means you can live (and work) in another EU country without restrictions. Child benefit and other social benefits are granted in accordance with the laws of the country of your new residence. However, if you are still considered fully subject to income tax in Germany, child benefit in the EU can still be paid from Germany. If you have further questions about residence in the EU or problems with local authorities, the European Commission offers free advice.



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