It's decided: Russia will start a limited world war. Different NATO officials have announced that it is only It's still a matter of a few years before it Europe will be invaded. However, it doesn't come as surprising as the Ukraine attack. The negotiations with NATO are like that collapsed that a war with the West now becomes inevitable. So was apparently the Russians Decision made to do so after being in the will no longer have a chance in the coming years (decades). to surpass the West. On the contrary, that Elites fear for their existence as oligarchs, if everything continues as before. If the Communism collapses, and if there is no chance There is no longer any possibility of a military conflict win, as long as there is one for the Russians If a “safe” future emerges, record it as a success. They want to, even if the war is years lasts, at least its minimum goal, a secured one Empire, achieve.
That is enough. Even if they can't control the entire world after setting it on fire, this is the go-to option. NATO is sitting on a huge amount of money, technology and production power. - in other words, everything the Russians don't have.
According to an interview in the Tagesspiegel, Defense Minister Pistorius expects it to take 5-8 years until the Russians attack. It has long looked as if Brussels was just waiting for the Russians to make their first move. Time works more for NATO: it will achieve more and more technological breakthroughs, it will streamline more and more, and produce everything that is important for the elites with fewer and fewer children. So everything that has to do with security. In 5, 10, or 20 years, the technological breakthroughs may be so dramatic that NATO can never be caught up again. NATO can therefore wait until the Russians invade the Baltics, occupy Finland, Sweden, Norway and possibly even attack the Balkans.
It will be a few years before they can take this step. This has nothing to do with planes and tanks, but with logistics and NBC weapons. As former General Hodgers says, they want to come with NBC weapons, use a few nuclear weapons and chemical warheads - even less lethal stuff - and hope to cause such chaos that they can then use regular troops. Then, when they have reached their minimum goal, they will freeze the status quo and try to agree on a new world system. Once the superpowers have agreed on this, only a few smaller states that want to do their own thing will be fought, and then there will be peace. If the standard of living in the West falls to the point where people no longer want to have children, the problem of overpopulation will also be solved.
549 / 5,000 Translation results Translation result Alaska: The Russians have indicated that they want the continent back from America that the tsars sold because they had no way of farming the vast area that is actually too cold to manage properly. Then they secure Alaska and Canada, the Chinese get the territory of the USA (?) and the Latinos also get part of North America, especially Texas and Nevada. The communist Latinos are given the right to loot: “You take the house, the car, the wife and the children from John Doe.”
However, such a future prospect is pretty bad for the “upper class”. Staying in bunkers for years, constantly expecting someone to smuggle in a biological weapon... afterwards too much is broken and you don't know how the whole thing will end. A global nuclear war is therefore not an option for the superpowers. Perhaps this cartel of fighting a limited world war has existed for a long time. You have to keep that in mind; The logic of war dictates that. You are now positioning yourself with 90,000 men and are signaling that you cannot achieve anything conventionally. Russia is too bad for that and NBC weapons are a whole separate box - and the West can do more. He has the advantage in production - while the East is superior in terms of espionage.
What does this all mean for Germany? - After a few big hits, the infrastructure will collapse, not just the Internet. The result will be a hopeless mess. And in the end it will be: Poland, Germany, Balice, Ukraine, etc. will become a completely demilitarized zone without any sovereignty. - And the European Union? - The so-called “Defense of Democracy Plan”, only reconfirmed at the end of 2023, stipulates that everything that comes from outside becomes transparent. Institutions are being destroyed. And that's just the first step. In an acute war situation, (democratic) agitators are tried and, in particularly bad cases, tortured with a black bag over their head in some ghost prison. By the way, the Americans can do that too: the EU is then fine. All the bloggers, Facebook smearers, telegrammers and other loudmouths will quickly be silenced. Then it's over. Transparency registers are created. And psychometrics show that 85-90% are for NATO, while a small minority that is dissatisfied will defect as long as they can. Or at least stay silent.
Meanwhile in Russia the propaganda machine is running hot: Izvestia, Comsomolskaia, Pravda, etc. are spreading the worst horror stories in the (Russian-controlled) country; One “Marina Sovina” alone, presumably a chatbot, wrote 81,000 articles last year, up to 150 per day. A workload that no one can achieve. The Russians have the rule: Everything that is taken by force is theirs. And anyone who is against it will just get a bullet in the head. They also want the GDR back. This is Russian “diplomacy”.
(to be continued.)
The prices, especially those of defense stocks in Europe, react accordingly with a huge jump in price.
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