About our company


Ampex Holding Corp. - Logo

is a multinational Conglomerate- Holding Company

based in Delaware, USA. It was founded in 1998 as a merger and successor to various individual companies with different tasks.

(As a reminder:) There are several types of exchange trading, including:

Stock exchange: An exchange where securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are traded.

Specialty Exchange: An exchange where specialized financial instruments such as options and futures are traded.

Commodity Exchange: An exchange where commodities such as gold, silver, and oil are traded.

Futures Exchange: An exchange where contracts are made to buy or sell commodities or financial instruments at a specific point in time in the future.

Currency Exchange: An exchange where currencies are traded. Digitization made it possible (and even necessary) to be able to monitor and influence all markets in the world and their mutual influence from a central location. For this reason, we have combined all business areas to avoid wastage.




We'll let that cost us a lot. We don't just wait for others to put the latest news on our desks, but try to research with our own correspondents, on site and "in time".

Because the most important (and crucial) tool we have is information. Only through them do we have the invaluable advantage of being able to act faster than other competitors. While they are still wondering how we managed (again) to pull the rabbit out of the top hat, the associated position, already cast in numbers, is visible on their bank statement.

Everything runs within the legal framework, which should be particularly emphasized at this point. We do not use obscure sources, nor do we try to get (prohibited) "insider" information. Our sources - informants - are available to everyone; you just have to find them. And in time.

We then do not pass on the "news" received in this way to the "Wall Street Journal", but use them in our trading department.

To their favor. It's as simple as that. You already know "what's coming" before it's in the newspaper.

That is why our company motto is rightly so:

"Get the news
 before the



So why us?

Because we're not a brokerage; but "afford" our own (and third-party) brokers, i. H. occupy. This is how we can fulfill our task, always, i. H. to find the best offer for you at any time and to place the order accordingly. This is the only way we can ensure that you can rely on reaching your desired positions on time, even in turbulent times. So we don't know any of the dreaded "limit up" or "limit down". That's something you can rely on. For almost 40 years now.

If necessary, we buy/sell the values directly from the issuers and not necessarily on the stock exchange. We can (and are allowed to) do that because we are a conglomerate holding company. This is the all-important advantage. A pound that we grow with.

We don't want to hide our light "under a bushel", but we are (rightly) proud of our → Services.


© 1998, 2021-2023